NLP Learning Systems Corporation

PO Box 261907

Plano, TX  75026

(972) 931-9984


June 25, 1992

Tony Neal
NLP Learning Systems
109 Spanish Village Center, Suite 643
Dallas, Texas 75248

Dear Tony,

I am enclosing $100 as a deposit for the Silva workshop in October. 1 got busy and forgot to send the money earlier.

Lots of things are happening in my life. I have a new job as of June 10. Things began changing at my old job and I felt it was time to look around. I am now working for Care Unit Hospital of Albuquerque and will be opening an office in El Paso to do marketing for them. They gave me a large salary increase and have some very exciting programs geared to meet the needs of the individual patient.

My boss is very honest and forthright and I really like working with him. While many people are losing their jobs in this field I was able to get a better job with more pay for a progressive company who really cares about people. I wonder if the NLP had anything to do with it.

I hope all is well with you. I think of you often.



Denese Watkins